Scientific profile |
Academic degrees |
- Doctor of Science in technical sciences and the discipline of electrical engineering with specialization in transformers, instrument transformers and voltage dividers - Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, 2018.
- Doctor of Philosophy in technical sciences and the discipline of electrical engineering with specialization in: electromagnetism and instrument transformers - Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, 2009.
Scientific interests |
Scientific interests concerns the issues related to the transformation of distorted voltages and currents as well as higher frequency signals by current and voltage transformers and sensors, including their impact on the accuracy of power quality and metering of electrical energy. In the field of EMC the research is related to transformation of conducted disturbances through voltage and current transformers and sensors, as well as the influence of radiated and conducted disturbances on their accuracy and operational properties. The results of the studies are applicable in the new measurement methods and systems for testing the accuracy and operational properties of instrument transformers and current and voltage sensors as well as their development.
Research projects |
NN511315640: „Development of the research methodology, measuring systems and standardization recommendations for determination of the measuriing accuracy of power quality and electrical energy metering by voltage and current transformers", Research project funded by the Polish National Science Center, project leader.
NN511376535: „Transfer of disturbances through voltage transformers, Research project funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, research leader.
NN511456436: „Development of research methodology, measuring systems and comprehensive analyzes of accuracy and electromagnetic compatibility of current transformers for transfation of distorted currents", Research project funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, research leader.
2011/01/D/ST8/03549: Mechanism of electrical discharges developing in synthetic and natural biodegradable esters under the influence of lightning surge voltage, Research project funded by the Polish National Science Center, research team member.
International collaboration
- United Kingdom, University of Manchester – School of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Visiting researcher, 01.05.2011 – 30.09.2011.
- Spain,
Universitad de Sevilla, Erasmus program 01.02.2004 - 01.08.2004.
Scientific awards |
- Award for publications in 2019, 2020.
- Award for scientific and research achievements of employees of the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering in the years 2017-2018, 2019.
- Second Degree Prize of the Rector of TUL for original and creative scientific achievements - a series of publications representative of the directions of scientific activity carried out at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, 2018.
- Second Degree Prize of the Rector of TUL for original and creative scientific achievements - a series of publications representative of the directions of scientific activity carried out at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, 2017.
- Second Degree Prize of the Rector of TUL for original and creative scientific achievements - a series of publications representative of the directions of scientific activity carried out at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, 2016.
- Second Degree Prize of the Rector of TUL for original and creative scientific achievements - a series of publications representative of the directions of scientific activity carried out at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering,
- Scholarship for a foreign internship under "Innovative teaching without limits - integrated development of the Lodz University of Technology, .." co-financed by the European Social Fund and the State Budget, 2011.
- Second Degree Award of the Rector of TUL for a series of publications on current problems in the electrical power engineering, 2010.
- Research scholarship under "Innovative teaching without limits - integrated development of the Lodz University of Technology ..." co-financed by the European Social Fund and the State Budget, 2008−2009.
- Scientific scholarship of the Lodz University of Technology in the years 2007 − 2009.
- Scholarship for a research project under the "Mechanism to Support Innovative Activity of PhD Students" co-financed by the EU under IROP, 2007 − 2008.
Activity and membership in scientific institutions |
- Chairman of the Technical Committee No. 81 for low power transformers and insttrument transformers in the Polish Committee for Standardization.
- Convenor of the work group 2: Harmonisation of CENELEC TC 38 Standards to EMC Directive of the CENELEC Technical committee 38 Instrument transformers.
- Member of the work group 1: Harmonisation of CENELEC TC 38 Standards to LV Directive of the CENELEC Technical committee 38 Instrument transformers, .
- Memeber of the IEC TC38 (Instrument Transformers) work groups:
- JWG 52 Safety requirements for current and voltage transformers for low voltage applications (<1000Vac), WG 49 Instrument Transformers for low voltage applications,
- JWG 55 Uncertainty evaluation in the calibration of Instrument Transformers,
- WG 37 Specific Clauses for Electronic Voltage Transformers (future IEC 61869-7), for Electronic Current Transformers (future IEC 61869-8) and Digital Interface for Instrument Transformers (future IEC 61869-9),
- MT 48 Revision of IEC 61869-1: Instrument Transformers – General Requirements.
- Senior
Member IEEE.
Scientific output |
Selected papers published in the international scientific journals
- Lesniewska E., Kaczmarek M., Stano E.: 3D Electromagnetic Field Analysis Applied to Evaluate the Accuracy of a Voltage Transformer under Distorted Voltage, Energies, (14)2021, p. 136.
- Kaczmarek M., Kaczmarek P.: Comparison of the Wideband Power Sources Used to Supply Step-Up Current Transformers for Generation of Distorted Currents, Energies, (13)2020, p. 1849.
- Kaczmarek M., Stano E.: Nonlinearity of Magnetic Core in Evaluation of Current and Phase Errors of Transformation of Higher Harmonics of Distorted Current by Inductive Current Transformers, IEEE Access, (8)2020, pp. 118885 - 118898.
- Stano E., Kaczmarek M.: Wideband Self-Calibration Method of Inductive CTs and Verification of Determined Values of Current and Phase Errors at Harmonics for Transformation of Distorted Current, Sensors, (20)2020, p. 2167.
- Kaczmarek M. Stano E.: Proposal for
extension of routine tests of the inductive current transformers to
evaluation of transformation accuracy of higher harmonics,
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,
(113)2019, pp. 842-849.
- Kaczmarek
M.: The effect of distorted input voltage harmonics rms values on the
frequency characteristics of ratio error and phase displacement of a
wideband voltage divider”, Electric Power Systems Research, (167)2019,
pp. 1-8.
- Kaczmarek
M., Stano E.: Application of the inductive high current testing
transformer for supplying of the measuring circuit with distorted
current, IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 13, (9)2019, pp. 1310 -
- Kaczmarek
M.: Inductive current transformer accuracy of transformation for the PQ
measurements, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 150, 9(2017),
pp. 169-176.
- Kaczmarek
M.: Development and application of the differential voltage to
single-ended voltage converter to determine the composite error of
voltage transformers and dividers for transformation of sinusoidal and
distorted voltages, Measurement, vol. 101, 4(2017), pp. 53–61.
- Kaczmarek M.:
Measurement error of non-sinusoidal electrical power and energy caused
by instrument transformers, IET Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, vol. 14, 10(2016), pp. 3492–3498.
- Kaczmarek
M.: Secondary current distortion of inductive current transformer in
conditions of dips and interruptions of voltage in the power line,
Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 137, 8(2016), pp. 1-5.
- Kaczmarek M., A
practical approach to evaluation of accuracy of inductive current
transformer for transformation of distorted current higher harmonics,
Electric Power Systems Research, 119(2015), pp. 258 - 265.
- Kaczmarek
M., Szatilo T.: Reference voltage divider designed to operate with
oscilloscope to enable determination of ratio error and phase
displacement frequency characteristics of MV voltage transformers,
Measurement, 68(2015), pp. 22 - 31.
- Kaczmarek
M.: The source of the inductive current transformers metrological
properties deterioration for transformation of distorted currents,
Electric Power Systems Research, 107(2014), pp. 45 - 50.
- Kaczmarek
M.: Estimation of the Inductive Current Transformer Derating Conditions
for Distorted Currents, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences -
Technical Sciences, 2(2014), pp. 363 - 366.
Selected papers published in the Polish national scientific journals
- Stano
E., Kaczmarek M.: Badania odporności urządzeń pomiarowych stosowanych w
obwodach wielkoprądowych na pole magnetyczne o częstotliwości sieci
elektroenergetycznej, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, (3)2019, str. 54-57.
- Kaczmarek
P., Kaczmarek M.: Badania emisji zaburzeń przewodzonych przez
programowalne źródło napięcia zmiennego, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, (3)2019, str. 33 - 36.
M.: Zastosowanie błędu całkowitego do oceny dokładności transformacji
harmonicznych zaburzeń przewodzonych przez indukcyjne przekładniki
prądowe, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 11(2015), str. 61 – 64.
M., Badanie dokładności przekładnika napięciowego w warunkach
transformacji napięć odkształconych, Wiadomości Elektrotechniczne,
4(2015), str. 44–47.
M., Ocena porównawcza dokładności transformacji odkształconego prądu
pierwotnego przez indukcyjny przekładnik prądowy, Elektro.info,
5(2015), str. 61-63.
R., Kaczmarek M., Wymagania normalizacyjne dla przekładników małej mocy
dotyczące dokładności transformacji wyższych harmonicznych oraz
sygnałów sinusoidalnych wyższych częstotliwości, Pomiary Automatyka
Kontrola, 3(2014), str. 183- 187
M., Wpływ metody determinacji współczynnika THD na rejestrowaną
niedokładność pomiaru wprowadzaną przez indukcyjne przekładniki,
Energetyka. Problemy energetyki i gospodarki paliwowo-energetycznej,
5(2011), str. 285 - 288.
Kaczmarek M., Transfer of
disturbances through the voltage transformers, ZN PŁ Elektryka,
122(2010), str. 19 – 28.
Selected papers published in the proceeding of international conferences
- Kaczmarek
M.: Accuracy of current transformer with current errors at harmonics
equal to the limiting values defined in IEC 60044-8 standard for
transformation of distorted primary current, Modern Electric Power
Systems 2015 - MEPS’15 Wroclaw, July 6-9.
M., Method of current transformer metrological properties estimation
for transformation of distorted currents, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE
International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference - IPMHVC
2012, San Diego, USA, 724 – 726.
M., The influence of sinusoidal conductive disturbances on current
error and phase displacement of the inductive current transformer with
Ni80Fe20 toroidal core, Proceedings of XXI International Conference on
Electromagnetic Disturbances - EMD 2011.
R., Kaczmarek M., Application of selected current transformers in power
quality assessment systems, Proceedings of 6th All-Russia International
Scientific and Technical Conference – Power Engineering:
Administration, Quality and Efficiency of Energy Resources Use,
Blagoveshchensk, 2011.
M., The Influence of Power Network Conductive Disturbances on Operation
of the Inductive Current Transformers, Proceedings of the International
Symposium on EMC joint with 20th International Wroclaw Symposium on EMC
- EMC EUROPE 2010.
M., Brodecki D., Nowicz R., Analysis of Operation of Voltage
Transformers during Interruptions and Dips of Primary Voltage, Proc. of
10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and
Utilisation - EPQU 2009.
M., Brodecki D., Influence of the Capacity Between Windings of the
Voltage Transformer on Transfer of Voltage Surges, Proceedings of
International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management,
Polish national patents
- Kaczmarek M.: The method of determine the limiting values of errors in the measurements of the ratio and phase errors of transformation of the higher harmonics of distorted currents and voltages or sinusoidal signals of the frequency equal to 50 Hz (60 Hz) or higher by current and voltage transformers and voltage dividers, application number: P.426631, application date: 10.08.2018 r., number of the exclusive right granted: PL 235339 B1, patent grant announced: 29.06.2020 WUP 08/20.
- Kaczmarek
M., Czyżyk W.: The method of determining the composite error of transformation of sinusoidal or distorted voltages by voltage transformers and dividers, application number: P.414727, application date: 09.11.2015 r., number of the exclusive right granted: PL 227933 B1, patent grant announced: 31.01.2018 WUP 01/18.
M.: The method of making and determining the accuracy of a resistive reference voltage divider for testing the transfromation accuracy of voltage transformers for sinusoidal voltages at frequencies equal to 50 Hz (60 Hz) and higher as well as distorted voltages, application number: P.406836, application date:
14.01.2014 r., number of the exclusive right granted: PL 229490 B1,
patent grant announced: 31.07.2018 WUP 07/18.
M.: The method of determining voltage and phase errors of inductive voltage transformers and dividers for sinusoidal voltages of frequencies equal to 50 Hz (60 Hz) and higher, without a reference instrument transformer, application number: P.405830, application date: 29.10.2013 r.,
number of the exclusive right granted: PL 225861 B1, patent grant announced: 31.05.2017 WUP 05/17.
M., Nowicz R.: Method of assessing the transformation accuracy of inductive current transformers for distorted currents, application number:
P.399602, application date: 21.06.2012 r., number of the exclusive right granted: PL 223692 B1, patent grant announced: 31.10.2016 WUP
M., Nowicz R.: Measuring system for determine the current and phase errors of inductive current transformers for transformation of sinusoidal currents of frequencies equal to 50 Hz (60 Hz) and higher, application number: P.393923, application date: 14.02.2011 r., number of the exclusive right granted: PL 220992 B1, patent grant announced: 29.02.2016
WUP 02/16.
Main research objectives |
Proposed topics of PhD dissertations:
- On-site diagnostics of current and voltage transformers with the use of 5G transmission.
- Wireless system for measuring the value and quality of electrical power using 5G transmission.
- Electromagnetic compatibility of protection and measurement system of the power network.
- Resonance properties of MV inductive voltage transformers during transformation of higher harmonics of distorted voltage.
- Design and development:
- medium voltage divider for measurements of power quality and determine the transfromation accuracy of voltage transformers in a wide frequency range,
- efficient wideband high-current or high-voltage test transformer,
- programmable source of alternating voltage 18 kVA, 100 A for the frequency operating band from 20 Hz to 20 kHz,
- measuring system for determining the value of ratio and phase errors of transformation of harmonic of distorted current and voltage by current or voltage instrument transformers.
Main page